9am-12pm | Thursday 7th June 2018.
WindEurope, Rue d’Arlon 80, B-2040 | Brussels
Coinciding with EUSEW
SECLI-FIRM, invites you to be part of a free collaboration forum which will discuss:
· What are seasonal climate forecasts and how could your organisation benefit from using them?
· Can seasonal climate predictions help the energy and water sectors improve management decisions and resilience to extreme climate event?
· How can you influence the project direction and contribute to its outputs?
· How can your organisation remain involved and be the first to hear about the findings of this project?
Advanced programme
9:00am: Welcome and Project overview – Prof Alberto Troccoli, University of East Anglia (UK)
9:15am: Seasonal forecasting overview – Dr Emily Wallace, Met Office (UK)
9:40am: Case Study Stakeholder Presentation – (Presenter tbc)
10:00 – 11:15am: Discussion of the SECLI-FIRM case studies (See overleaf).
11:15 -12pm: Questions and discussion.
Book your place here